Associations and Journals

International Biogeography Society>
The International Biogeography Society (IBS) was founded as a non-profit organization in 2000 with the following missions: Foster communication and collaboration between biogeographers, increase both the awareness and interests of the scientific community and the public, and promote the training and education of biogeographers.
Diversity and Distributions
Diversity and Distributions publishes reviews and primary research papers on a very wide range of subjects relating to biodiversity and biogeography. Every level of ecological understanding is covered, from molecular-level, through single-species studies, to ecosystem-, biome- and global-level perspectives. Diversity and distributions takes the lead in the increasingly important field of invasion biology.
Global Ecology and Biogeography
Global Ecology and Biogeography (GEB) has evolved into a journal of macroecology, broad in scope, but focusing on the study of large spatial and broad taxonomic-scale patterns in the ecological properties of species assemblages, along with global environmental change and island biogeography. The journal features provocative personal perspectives, short research letters, full-length research articles, and research reviews.
Journal of Biogeography
The Journal of Biogeography is a leading international journal of biogeography, focusing primarily on historical biogeography and ecology. It is known for its controversial guest editorials, themed sections, major research papers on both animal and plant biogeography, and Special Issues, such as BIOME 6000.
Other Journals
Ecology Letters
Ecology Letters is a forum for rapid publication of the most novel research in ecology. Manuscripts relating to the ecology of all taxa, in any biome and geographic area are considered. The journal publishes concise papers that merit urgent publication by virtue of their originality, general interest and their contribution to new developments in ecology.
Many other major journals have emphasis on macroecological issues, including The American Naturalist, Nature, and Ecography